Thursday, March 5, 2009

Shaw's Sales & Stop and Shop Sales starting 3/6/09

Whole Foods beats Shaw's sales on Hummus, Organic carrots, and Asparagus! Good job, Whole Foods...I love that place...

You can see the Shaw's circular here, and the Stop and Shop circular here. I'm not really going to go into Stop and Shop, because basically,a lot of the items at Shaw's are on sale at S & S, it's just less expensive at S & S.

This is actually the last time I'll really get into specifics on the sales at Shaw's and S & S. I really wanted to list everything that was a great deal for you guys, but, honestly, there are rarely great deals on healthy foods at Shaw's and S & S. Even S & S and Shaw's organic brands can't beat TJs and WFs prices. You can usually find even cheaper every day prices at Whole Foods or TJs on everything that goes on sale at the other stores. Like this small comparison shows, healthy foods are cheaper at stores that cater to healthy foods. So, when there is an amazing buy at Shaw's or S & S, I will let you know, but I won't go through everything.

This month, however, watch for my post about where you can find staples cheapest in the city (flour, eggs, butter, etc...). Watch out for that. It's coming. It's coming to get you.

I'm sorry to write a weekly post, and then to stop, but I'm just getting started with the blog, and figuring out what works and what doesn't. I don't like reporting a sale to you at Shaw's when you can get the same item at TJs everyday for less money, you know what I mean???! I'm just looking out for all of you! Not looking to waste any time. If you're trying to live a scrimpy healthy lifestyle like me, you can just do what I do - buy everything I like from TJs, get what I can't get at TJs at WFs, and make occasional trips to S & S to stock up on some staples that they sell dirt cheap (read: brown sugar).

Most of the decent sales this week are on meat. So, if you're a meat eater, this is probably a good opportunity to stock up and freeze some stuff!

My freezer friendly picks are:

-Perdue roasting chicken $1.49/lb

-Shaw's Chicken Legs, Drumsticks, or Thighs $1.49/lb (you can freeze these for the season's first BBQ...defrost and marinate for the grill)

-Shaw's chuck stew $2.99/lb

-Shaw's boneless chuck roast $3.49/lb (for pot roast)

-Wild Harvest Fresh Ground Turkey $4.29/lb

-Wild Harvest Boneless Chicken Tenders

-Frozen raw shrimp $6.99/lb

-Haddock, tilapia, and trout $6.99/lb

-Steakhouse Choice Sirloin tips steak $6.99/lb

-Perdue split chicken breast $1.99/lb

-Prince Edward Island mussels $1.99/lb

Other deals:

-Morningstar products 2/$7 or $3.50 each (I like to buy these for a quick dinner when there's nothing to eat in the house, my favorite is Pizzaburger!)

-Kashi frozen pizzas $2/$11 or $5.50 each

-Organic ice cream $4.99 16 oz. Good deal!

-General Mills cereal, buy 2/$6 and get a coupon for free gallon of milk on your next trip. That's kind of cool. That's like getting the boxes of cereal for $1.50 each.

-Shaw's sugar $2.49/5 lb bag

-Kashi 7 whole grain pilaf 2/$4

-Contadina tomatoes 28 oz 4/$5

-Cabot VT cheese 2/$5

-Kraft Deli Natural Cheese Slices 2/$6

Produce Deals:

-Wild Harvest Organic baby green mix 11 oz. $4.99

-Squash, broccoli crowns, and mushrooms $.99

That's All! P.S. I've decided to tack on the post about freezing your own fruits and veggies along with the recipe for Freezermeal Friday. Keep your eyes peeled for it. See you all tomorrow!

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