Monday, March 23, 2009

Whole Foods Pick(s) of the Week!

Hey guys, I owe you 2 picks of the week, so here we go!

Whole Foods 365 Butter

This is a very low price for butter, and it's an everyday deal over at Whole Foods! This is actually one of the first items I shopped at Whole Foods for. One day, I realized their butter was the same price as Trader Joe's, and that inspired me to peek around to look for other deals. Little did I know, they were lurking everywhere! Like riiiiiggghhhht here:

Organic Whole Wheat Flour
$4.69/5 lb bag
That's $.29/cup...that's only $.08/cup more expensive than the conventional, now that's a great deal!

I love this one, because it seems expensive. When all-purpose flour is $2.99, $4.69 seems like a lot, but when you do the math, there's only a $.08/cup difference. That means you could be baking organic goods for $.08-$.24 more a batch! Go you!

Here's another one for fun!
Domino Sugar
$3.49/5 lb bag

I'm not sure of how much this is other places in the city. All I know is that you can't find a big bag of plain sugar at Trader Joe's, they only have a smaller bag of organic. That makes Whole Foods my favorite place to purchase my sugar!

There you have it...a few of my favorite everyday deals from my favorite grocery store, Whole Foods!

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