Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Whole Foods Wednesday

Hey all! Whole Foods puts out their little online (and in store) sale flyer online on's only a small portion of the things that are on sale, though, so I'm going to go to the store tomorrow to fill you guys in on more really good sales.

This week is pretty good. I'll make a list (ooh, yeah, you bet I'm breaking out the bullets on this baby).

  • Navel Oranges (conventional, not organic): $.79/lb down deom $2.49/lb. Personally, I'd get my oranges at Haymarket, especially if you're not buying organic anyways. We get about 12 oranges a week (usually Sunkist) and usually pay about $3 total for them. By the way, when you're at Haymarket, and some of the oranges look a bit, how do you say, anemic, don't worry. As long as they have thick skins and are heavy for their size, they're every bit as good as the day-glo ones you see in the store. They dye the ones in the stores...I'm pretty sure all oranges are not that bright of orange, so don't let a pale complexion scare you away from Haymarket oranges.
  • Split Chicken Breasts: $2.99/lb from $4.29/lb (that *JUST* makes the 25% Threshold for a sale). I'm not too sure how you would eat these, since the bones are in...I guess you'd have to take a look at them and see what you could do. Definitely chicken soup!
  • Pork Sausage: $2.99/lb down from $4.99/lb . That's a great value, plus they make them in the store without any preservatives. "Double Bonus" as Mike would say. I would even buy some to freeze if I were you. Ooh, I should post a sausage recipe this week for you guys so you can take advantage of the great sale. Sausage potato soup. Yep, I'm posting that this week. On March 1st (since my grocery budget's done for this month). We're not really even meat eaters, but for you guys, I'll do anything!
  • Cantaloupe 2/$4 (or 1/$2) down from $2.99/each: Bring these bad boys home, and prepare them right away. Make yourself melon cubes in a glass container in the fridge and enjoy them all week. You'll be surprised by how much melon this produces. A little hint of summer in your cold winter day (actually tomorrow is supposed to be, like, 50 degrees).

So that's a list of things from the flyer that I think are a steal. I will go to the store tomorrow and take a gander at what else is going on over there! Enjoy :)

OH! And don't forget to tune in on Sunday for the Sausage Potato Soup recipe. UPDATE: I decided to edit this to Sausage and Mushrooms with Penne. This way, it'll be a very cheap, very easy, very QUICK meal. I promise it'll be scrimpy and you'll get to take advantage of a great sale at Whole Foods.

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