Wednesday, February 25, 2009 deal...(some fine print, but a good deal nonetheless...I've actually made the fine print bold for your pleasure!)

This tip comes to us courtesy of Teresa at In her post she alerts readers to a great deal on is a great website (maybe better for some cities than others, as there aren't too many restaurants listed here in Boston) where you purchase gift cards to restaurants in your area at a deep discount.

For example, a $25 gift card to Beacon Hill Hotel and Bistro would cost me $10. That's a great deal, but what's even better is that Teresa has provided a code..."DINE" to enter at checkout, thus saving you an additional 80%. Yep, EIGHTY percent, giving you a $25 card for $2.

Here's the catch, you can only use one card per party, per month, per restaurant. So, I wanted to buy 4 cards for a total of $8 (value of $100) and have a nice night out. But, I could only use one of those. So, these cards are great deals, but the simply reduce the price of a meal. The "DINE" code is good until February 28th. My advice would be to get one to use on a special occasion, thus softening the blow of a fancy meal at a nice restaurant. These would also make great gifts for future secret santas, etc...You can give $25 cards for $2, can't beat that!

So, anyways, just wanted to give you all a heads up! Here's a link to the restaurants in Boston you can buy these cards for.

Happy eating :D (I learned a new smiley face from my fellow blogger and follower, Julian in Canada!)

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