Saturday, February 28, 2009

Natural Cleaning Product Recipes!

Good morning, everyone! I usually like to get a good amount of decent cleaning done on Saturdays, because I have Mike's help with the baby. During the week, it's all I can do to just keep up with the minimum of cleaning, because Dylan needs me! Anyways, it's nice to have my hands free on Saturday and be able to clean up real nice :).

In my research, I came across this site that is way better than anything I could put together. I'm going to just write my recipe for favorite all time cleaning tricks. I'm a bare minimum type of girl, because why use more ingredients than absolutely necessary, right?

Taylor's Favorite Homemade Cleaner

1/4 c. vinegar ($.05)
4 c. water ($.00)
30 drops of any essential oil you'd like (lavender, eucalyptus, tea tree...) (optional) ($.23)

Mix this all together and pour it into a recycled (or new) spray bottle. Vinegar is a great disinfectant and deodorizer. The vinegar smell goes away so quickly, even if you don't use essential oils. Personally, I don't even use the essential oils, because I'm trying to keep the cleaners superscrimpy. But, I know that you can get bottles of lavendar essential oil pretty inexpensively on I think I'm going to invest in some so that I can experiment a little more, and make some really nice home cleaners. You should, too! I buy a gallon of vinegar for, like $3 at stop and shop, which makes these cleaners $.05/windex bottle (32oz) without essential oils.

OK, so that link above for amazon, ok here it is again, is for 4 oz. of tea tree oil for $18.40 (with . shipping). That would mean that every 30 drops are $.23. So, an entire thing of this cleaner would cost you $.28 and would be all natural and safe for your family.

Total for a windex sized spray bottle full is $.28. I use it for:
  • Countertops
  • Stove Top (just spray, let it sit, and come back to it, spray again, and wipe)
  • Dylan's high chair tray
  • Bathroom
  • Sink
  • Floors
  • Um, everything

Another great idea from that I had never thought of is boiling citrus peels with some essential oils or spices or fresh lavender or romemary on the stovetop!

I also like the method of simmering fresh rosemary, thyme, or sage and straining. This makes a disinfectant water. Adding a few drops of castile soap or other natural soap will help cut grease.

Anyways, as you can see, there are a ton of options, but above is the easiest, cheapsest, most multipurpose cleaner I know of. Make a batch and let me know what you think!

Making your own cleaners is a great way to keep crap out of the air and your environment. I love knowing that my family is not exposed to any chemicals.

Oh, and PS. Baking soda. Yes, baking soda. So cheap, and is a great non-abrasive yet so abrasive scouring agent. It won't scratch things and is amazing for getting ANYTHING off of ANYTHING. Once I realized this, I went crazy on some pans that I thought were past the point of no return, and guess what? They weren't. Baking soda beat their asses. Try it.


  1. White vinegar is a pretty wicked product.
    I used the solution you described (minus the smelly stuff ;)) to spray plants that get attacked by these little bugs... It gets rid of most of them.
    And I also tried it to remove mold stains on clothes... With mixed results. It helped some, but the stains didn't disappear completely.

    Taking note of the baking soda though... I haven't really experienced with it.

    Cool tips! :)

  2. Thank you! I love that you're reading, I was reading your blog today...I try to comment but when I write things it's not as funny as what you write so I get discouraged :(. The baking soda is crazy. It's great at getting baked on things off of cookie sheets. Not like the *bad* cookie sheets that need foil over them, but you know, if you clean as you get things on them, it works like a charm ;).

  3. Nice post! Thought you and your blog followers might be interested to know that others are also trying to help promote affordable, safer, healthier
